When Company DNA isn't clearly codified:

  • People don’t understand the rationale behind decision making—they lack autonomy and feel ill-equipped to make strategic decisions
  • Teams develop siloed strategies based on different frameworks and insights—leading to fractured customer and employee experiences
  • Leaders think in the short-term, react to external factors, and are incentivized exclusively by financial performance targets

When Company DNA is clearly codified:

  • People routinely share what they do, why they do it, and for whom—they feel they have the tools and confidence to make consistent decisions for the organization
  • Teams collaborate to develop interconnected strategies around a common framework and shared insights—unifying the customer and employee experiences
  • Leaders think long-term, navigate change with agility, and share accountability for broad metrics (social, environmental, and financial) unique to their organization

We utilize an inclusive process to define your Company DNA, organize and catalyze your strategies, and broaden your definitions of success.


We actively listen and decode complexity.

We seek to understand what defines your organization—learning about your vision, offerings, business model, and the needs and behaviors of stakeholders.*

*employees, customers, partners, shareholders, vendors, competitors, etc.


We aim to equitably represent diverse perspectives.

We articulate Company DNA—developing universal decision-making frameworks based on leadership's intentions and stakeholders' perceptions.


We engage teams and unlock their potential.

We socialize Company DNA and integrate it into shared tools and processes—providing ways for teams to develop interconnected strategies and contribute to a long-term vision.


We connect Company DNA to your business.

We broaden an organization’s definitions of success and make Company DNA quantifiable—integrating social, environmental, cultural, and financial metrics and incentives.

Let’s talk.

What challenges are you navigating right now? Tell us about the biggest questions on your mind, and let’s see how we might tackle them together.

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